
  • Biznesa Economika : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO)
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)

    Biznesa Economica : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO) aims to be a medium for exchanging information and scientific work between teaching staff, alumni, students, practitioners and observers of knowledge in the fields of economics and business which prioritizes research principles and refers to creativity, local wisdom and scientific values. Biznesa Economica: Journal of Economics and Business (JEBIZKO) welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions from researchers. However, research using a theoretical study approach must produce new implications that can be tested and have a real impact on society, and empirical papers must have good theoretical motivation. The editors view management, business strategy and entrepreneurship as closely related to economics and as a consequence, submitted papers often have a theoretical motivation based on economics. However, the Editors also look for papers that complement theory-based economics with theoretical developments originating from other social science disciplines or traditions. Biznesa Economica: Journal of Economics and Business (JEBIZKO) is an open access journal that publishes quantitative and qualitative research articles related to the fields of economic development, accounting, management and entrepreneurship.

  • Biznesa Economika : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO)
    Vol. 1 No. 01 (2024)

    Biznesa Economica : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO) aims to be a medium for exchanging information and scientific work between teaching staff, alumni, students, practitioners and observers of knowledge in the fields of economics and business which prioritizes research principles and refers to creativity, local wisdom and scientific values. Biznesa Economica: Journal of Economics and Business (JEBIZKO) welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions from researchers. However, research using a theoretical study approach must produce new implications that can be tested and have a real impact on society, and empirical papers must have good theoretical motivation. The editors view management, business strategy and entrepreneurship as closely related to economics and as a consequence, submitted papers often have a theoretical motivation based on economics. However, the Editors also look for papers that complement theory-based economics with theoretical developments originating from other social science disciplines or traditions. Biznesa Economica: Journal of Economics and Business (JEBIZKO) is an open access journal that publishes quantitative and qualitative research articles related to the fields of economic development, accounting, management and entrepreneurship.