Plagiarism involves the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work." (
Biznesa Economica : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO) does not encourage any form of plagiarism and duplicate submissions. All articles submitted to the Biznesa Economica : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO) will be cross-checked using the Turnitin or Plagiarism Detector software before publishing online.
The Biznesa Economica : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO) follows the guidelines contained in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts (
The journal adheres to plagiarism policy does not exceed the tolerance limit of 20%.
If the editor detects the element of plagiarism in the manusscript, the editor will handle it as follows
0 - 20% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be given an ID and the manuscript is sent to the reviewers.
20 - 25% Plagiarism: The manuscript will not be given an ID and the manuscript is sent back to author for content revision.
> 25 % Plagiarism: The manuscript will be rejected without the review. The authors are advised to revise the manuscript and resubmit the manuscript.
Note that self-plagiarism does not apply to publications based on the author's own previously work in a conference proceedings, however the source must be cited by the author(s).
In the case of suspected plagiarism in a published article, then the Biznesa Economica : Economic and Business Journal (JEBIZKO) publishes an official retraction of the paper. The mechanism follows the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which can be accessed at (